By looking at how a system uses energy and water, Frontier Energy’s experts can identify actions, equipment, and technologies that can reduce costs. From a basic assessment to a rigorous engineering analysis, we are committed to delivering data-driven, financially sound recommendations. Frontier conducts energy assessments on behalf of utilities, government agencies, or individual buildings that range from a single system to an international deployment.

Frontier designed and manages the DER Portal for NYSERDA with a wealth of open-source data that we update daily.

Our technicians help facilities of all types and sizes save energy and water with compressed air leak studies, energy end-use analysis, steam trap studies, and utility sales tax exemptions. Visit the marketplace to get more information.

Industrial Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Grant
Frontier Energy approved by U.S. DOE as an ITAC-equivalent third-party assessor. Clients that have received an audit from Frontier Energy (2021 and onwards) are eligible to apply for the DOE ITAC Implementation Grant Program. Read more
Case Studies

Natural Gas Energy Analysis

Predominant Use/Sales Tax Exemption: Ethanol Plant

Solar Program EM&V and Analysis

Utility Energy Efficiency Programs
Contact Us
If you require further details or have any inquiries, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our team is readily available to assist you with any questions you may have.